Sunday 28 June 2015


Lately room 4 have been pretending to be botanists and have written reports about a new species of plant that they have discovered. 

Included in the reports is information about what the plants look like, things they require to survive, any particular uses they have and what their habitats are like.

Room 4 published their reports using a basic diorama template. Come into room 4 and check them out. 

Thursday 25 June 2015

Balloon Rockets

Last Monday room 4 made some balloon rockets. First you need to get some sticky tape and a straw. Attach the straw to the balloon and get some string and put the string through the straw. Blow up the balloon and let GO!  

By Tristan 

Tuesday 23 June 2015

Tahuna the Tuatara Award

There is a person in room 4 who is friendly and quiet.
They are respectful and caring and look after everyone like a kindly giant.
They personify our school values and would never cause a riot
And they excel in their learning and could one day be a pilot.
Who else could I be talking about but the wonderful Violet.

Congratulations Violet

Saturday 20 June 2015


On Wednesday and Friday room 4 made symmetry creatures. We had been learning about lines of symmetry by folding different shapes to find how many lines of symmetry they had.

We first we folded a piece of paper in half then we wrote our names in block letters on one side and then cut it out and stuck it on a black sheet of paper. After that we used pastels to add detail to our strange looking creatures.

We all had a lot of fun we got a bit sticky gluing but it was worth it.

By Ania & Gus.

Thursday 18 June 2015


During maths last week room 4 began exploring 2 dimensional shapes and their different properties. 

We started our geometry sessions by doing a human treasure hunt about shapes. We had to find people in our class that could answer different questions about shapes.

Afterwards we look at Paul Klee's painting 'Castle and Sun'. We identified different shapes we had learnt about in the the painting and talked about the way that Klee had used various shapes to create an image. We also talked about the ways Klee had joined shapes together to create other shapes.

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Inquiring into...


Last week room 4 began inquiring into how scientists work. We started our inquiry by conducting two experiments involving fizzy drinks. We explored the processes that scientists go through when they have an idea that they want to investigate. 

We carried out a bus stop activity where we all got to share our understanding about scientists.

When carrying out our experiments we used the P.E.O.E method. To start the experiment we make a PREDICTION about what will happen (If ... then ...). We then EXPLAIN why we made that prediction. Next we OBSERVE what happens when we conduct the experiment and record what we observe. Last of all we try to EXPLAIN what happened and compare the results with our prediction.

One of the experiments we conducted was the rising water experiment. We observed water rise within a glass once we placed it over a lit candle that was sitting on a plate of coloured water.

We also created hoop gliders using a straw and two cardboard hoops. We were amazed at how well they flew and experimented with different modifications to the gliders that altered their flight.

Friday 5 June 2015

Nature Myths

Over the past couple of weeks room 4 have been writing myths about nature. We began by exploring a variety of different myths from around the world about bees. We then used a 'tale untangler' created by Raymond Huber to determine the purpose of the bees myths e.g. if they were folktales, myths or legends. We talked about the importance of the cultural messages that myths often convey.  

We then set about writing our own myths with the purpose of explaining something about nature e.g. how the lion got its mane.

After completing their myths room 4 published them on large puzzle pieces. We have assembled them into a large nature myth puzzle on the wall in room 4, come in and check it out.